100 Dirt Bike Riding Tips and Techniques for Beginners

100 Dirt Bike Riding Tips and Techniques for Beginners
Dirt bike riding tips and techniques for beginners you know why I wrote that article? Because reflexes are not instinctive. The dirt bike riders you saw scaling through those tough tracks did not always have those super skills and reflexes. At some point, they were beginners. They all had to train – learning to shift gears, and even handle their pedals.
Although only a few of these riders may grace the big podium, the good news is that it is possible to learn all dirt bike riding skills. Well, before the mastery of the clutch, throttle, and brake begins, there are other important things you must focus on. Here are a few practical tips and techniques that will guide you as you take the first few steps towards hitting the dirt track.
- Select a Bike that Fits Your Experience Level
As a beginner, it is important you select a bike that fits your level of skill and experience – this is the basic thing to do. We have the entire article written on this subject. Over time, you can go for an upgrade as your level of experience and skill set improves.
- Consider Your Height
Your size also matters when deciding the best dirt bike for your adventure. A great way to determine if a dirt bike fits your size is to sit forward on the bike and see if your feet can touch the ground. If your feet sit comfortably on the ground while on the bike, the bike may likely be too small for you as this will exert too much pressure on the suspension. However, if you find yourself using the tip of your toes to gain balance on the ground while on the bike, the bike may be too big for you.
- Consider Your Weight
The amount of suspension – and type of bike – a beginner who weighs 100 pounds will need would be different from that of a 200-pound potential rider. If you weigh around 150 pounds or less, it may be ideal to use a bike under 250cc so you can easily adapt to the weight and height of the bike. However, bigger riders may need to get something that has suitable suspension to navigate you through any dirt path successfully. A bike between 250-450cc may just do the trick for bigger riders.
- Start on a Dirt Track
You cannot learn dirt bike riding by simply riding a dirt bike. The best place to polish your skills is an old dirt bike road. Since there are hardly any unusually huge rocks there, practicing would be a lot easier for you.
- Master the Controls With the Bike off
Rather than turning the key on from the onset, practice shifting and handling the controls for a few minutes. Practice how to shift with your foot so you can easily feel it without looking down, and master where the foot brake is located so you can identify it easily. Practicing this way can help you achieve success on your first ride.
- It is Not Like Riding a Bike
This is a big mistake newbies make – thinking they can get on with a dirt bike like they would on a bicycle. From your sitting to your positioning, ensure you get it right to avoid any accidents.
- Take Important Items Along
You’ll be going off-road. Possibly there might be no cell phone service or a repair man behind you. Since you would be hitting some trees and rocks along the way, your bike could be damaged. So, taking some tools along would save you from being stranded in the middle of nowhere.
- Gain Some Basic Technical Knowledge
Yes, you are a beginner – so you must not necessarily have all the knowledge in the world. But, basic knowledge would be needed so you can perform common repairs such as fixing a bad tire. Since you may need more gas than you have in the tank, taking some extra along would be a great idea.
- Mental Consciousness
Wheeling through the dirt track successfully always seems like mystery for the beginner, but in reality, you would be making use of the same fundamental riding skills – with the clutch, throttle, and brake, and proper body position – skills that you use during your regular riding exploit. The only difference here is in the handling of the controls and overcoming the natural fear of crashing. The first step towards mastering the art of dirt bike riding is being mentally balanced. Our subconscious mind functions in very strange ways – mental balance is key.
- Technique Over Speed
Of course, speed will come over time, but dirt bike riding is all about the techniques – at least for a start. If you are able to learn the techniques well, speed and efficiency will come naturally.
- Visualize
This is another crucial step towards improving your riding skills. Having learnt the basic techniques, focus on what is most important – doing it. Visualization technique is a top skill for every professional sportsman. It helps to improve performance as the action is predetermined before it really begins.
- Safety
As an inexperienced dirt bike rider, the helmet should be your number one safety gear. Other important safety gear includes gloves, pads, and boots.
- Balance
Do you already know how to ride a bicycle? Then you are some steps ahead. Riding a bicycle is like an art – you never forget it no matter how long you’ve been away. The difference in mastering dirt bike riding is the weight of the bike and the speed involved. As a beginner, you would not feel comfortable right away – and this is only normal. While experienced riders may prefer standing, sitting right is a great first step towards achieving proper body position – and balance.
- Body Positioning
Before you begin your adventure, proper body positioning will determine how successful the outcome would be. Sitting on the bike first will help you make sure of this. If you have chosen the right bike size and ideal position, you should be able to have a feel of the ground with your feet. As a beginner, it would be hardly surprising to want to sit backwards. But, this should not be the case. There is an indentation where the gas tank meets the bike seat. This is where you should be – and do not be worried so much about seating too forward as the gas tank would not allow you do so. Always keep this in mind – move forward!
- Get the ‘Feel’ With Your First Ride
Now that you have positioned yourself properly, it is time to have a ‘feel’ of what dirt bike riding looks like. Set your bike into its first gear by clicking the gear down four times. Once the bike is in the first gear, gently twist the throttle so you can begin your experience. The goal here is to acquaint yourself with how the ride feels like as you go through the irregular, dirt tracks.
- Look Out For Your Front Fender
Since you’ll be seating in between the gas tank and the seat for the ride, look out for the front fender. If you can see the front fender, you may be focusing too much on the bike. While focusing on your bike is important, you must be watchful of the terrain you are riding through.
- Handling The Clutch
As a beginner, you would want to take it easy as you gain mastery over the bike – and the road. This is normal. Since you could be “jiggling” as you bring yourself up to speed, down-shifting the clutch would not be a bad idea. While it would interrupt the flow of the ride, you would soon gain mastery of the bike and the tracks – and the speed will come naturally.
- Get Used To The Throttle
If you do not master the use of the throttle, avoiding crashes may be a tad difficult. Hold on to the full throttle and pull the clutch in with your ‘peace’ fingers. You can also master the throttle by simply pushing and holding the magic button – preferably with your left thumb.
- Handling The Brake
Handling the brakes of a dirt bike can be complex at times considering the nature of the tracks. To avoid being thrown out of the bike as a result of the bucking around of your rear wheel, you would need to drag the rear brake rather than grab it. This will keep the suspension in place so you do not lose control of the bike.
- Master Acceleration
Sitting right is also important to gain mastery of the acceleration especially as the backward natural forces may be against you. Most beginners make the mistake of sitting far back and pull on the handlebars to counter the effect of the forces. You should avoid this. Proper positioning will ensure your hips are in front of the foot pegs while your upper body leans forward towards it. This position would allow you counter the backwards forces by leaning forward and pressing the foot pegs down.
Tip: To know if you are getting this right, you would be able to take your left hand off the handlebar as you accelerate while the bike continues in its straight path.
- Learn To Make Quick and Smooth Shifts
Although there are generally three controls – clutch, throttle, and shifter – involved, they do not function independently. This means you would be making use of all three simultaneously – shutting the throttle, pulling the clutch in, and picking the shifter up. In the same vein, after selecting a new gear, you would also need to let out the clutch while opening the throttle at the same time. This would not be easy at the onset, so practice is key. In order to make the shifts quick and smooth, you must work on these controls until you can quickly make it through three gears.
- Do Not Use The Kill Switch To Turn Off
With the presence of electric start on most modern dirt bikes, a common beginner mistake is to turn the bike off by applying the kill switch. The problem with this is that the battery is still active, so it may be dead the next time you want to go on your adventure. Master the habit of turning the bike off by applying the key to the off position.
- Accelerate To The Third or Fourth Gear and Apply The Brakes
As a beginner, accelerating at top speed is not the goal just yet. Downshifting immediately after applying the brakes will ensure you are able to take off as soon as you negotiate a corner.
- Ensure The Tire Does Not Skid off
While riding at top speed, try to get a “feel” of the condition of the tire so you know when it is about to get locked up. You want to ensure that while you apply maximum pressure, the tire does not skid or lock up.
- Learn to Use Your Feet
You may have already seen images where professionals lower their food while rounding a corner. Although this is something you’ll have to do, you would get there with time. Experienced riders use this as a way to blow out their knee and ensure there is a balanced weight distribution. You can learn to do this by straightening your legs out with your toes pointed up, while you remain conscious of your immediate surrounding so you do not get your foot caught up in dirt.
- Only Use Dirt Bike Riding Boots
Dirt bike riding will expose your ankles and feet to too many threats – from hot exhaust pipes to tough weather conditions, your feet will be in contact with the ground any time you take a turn or negotiate a corner and at the same time, your legs will frequently come in contact with the bike. You wouldn’t want to be using tennis shoes or sandals on a dirt track – in fact, the race will end before it even begins if you do. On the other hand, motocross boots provide top level protection for your feet and legs due to its tough leather material. A shoe type that allows you get good grip of the bike with your legs while negotiating a tough terrain would be just perfect.
- Remember The Terrain
The dirt track does not always offer a smooth ride so you must take note of the conditions to avoid skidding off. If the track is really bumpy, applying the brakes too hard may cause skidding. There are different dirt riding terrain types and they include, but are not limited to sand riding, snow riding, and highway riding.
- Look Out For Smooth Paths on a Rocky Terrain
If you are dirt bike riding on a rocky terrain, look out for paths with the smoothest terrain. When you get to such path, use your legs to grip the dirt bike and stand up. Do not stare at the rock and do not sit too.
- Do Not Look at The Front Fender
You may be tempted to do this if the rocks are really rough for you. Do not. Only look out for the smoothest path.
- Keep Your Momentum
This is especially important when riding through a rocky terrain. As a beginner, your instinct may tell you its best to stop and find your way through really big rocks. No, do not stop – do not panic too. Maintaining your momentum will help you go through paths where the front end area of your bike drops. Stopping might land the front end in a hole.
- Prepare For Muddy Terrain
A muddy terrain can mess your bike up, heating up the engine even before you get into the thick of the action. As such, preparation is vital so your bike has the needed defenses to go through a tough day on the trails.
- Prepare For Water
Riding through water on a dirt bike can be fun, but you must be careful to successfully navigate your way through.
- Check The Depth of water
As a beginner, running through water without checks can have negative consequences. Hop off your bike and access the area. Ensure the water will not find its way into the air intake of your bike. Allowing water to get into the engine can be really bad for the condition of the bike – and the safety of your ride.
- Figure Out How to Enter and Exit The Water
You may have no cause for concern if the dirt bike trail has been well travelled by other dirt bike riders. If this is not the case, evaluate the water conditions so you do not get stuck in the mud or bounce of dangerous and hidden rocks.
- Set Your Speed Right For The Water
Getting enough momentum before heading into the water will allow you negotiate your way through despite the friction water might cause. However, you must not go in too fast to avoid losing control if there is a hidden obstacle.
- Keep Your Boots Straight
With your boots pointed straight, you will prevent water from washing off the pegs. If you are not careful about this, water from the front tires will enter the pegs and blow your feet off.
- Kill The Switch if The Plan Goes Wrong
If you think it is impossible to avoid a crash, kill the switch immediately before you go down. This is a great way to ensure water is not sucked in. If water finds its way into the engine, the engine may blow up as the piston tries to handle the water pressure.
- Master Accuracy Jumpimg
I would recommend not doing any jumps as you are just starting. Master the bike first ride 2 to 3 seasons before getting into an extreme part like jumping. When building a jump, ensure you avoid doing the doubles or triples. If you have no other choice, do not engage in a sharp landing as it could end badly for you. To achieve this, make sure you do not try to avoid the dirt when landing from a jump. Master accuracy.
- Apply Grease on Literally Everything
Grease is a great friend of your bike. From your fenders and chain to your sprockets, chain guide, and even your brake cables and clutch, applying grease helps to prevent the mud from sticking up on your bike which could bog the bike.
- Ensure You Grease the Linkage
Specifically ensure you grease the linkage as it will help the bike move more freely without any potential for friction. This will also help for better suspension.
- Duct Tape
Grease can only take you so far especially for your fenders. Adding duct tape in the radiator shrouds and fender before applying grease will keep your bike in shape.
- The Bike Parts
Check the seats – ensure they have a good grip on the bike so you can remain despite the obstacles ahead. Also check out the foot pegs. Even if they look good, sharpening them will ensure they give you better hold against the slippery conditions of the mud.
- Mud-Specific Tires
You need tires that can get you through the terrain. Deep, meaty tugs will give you extra control and help you dispel the mud and keep you in shape.
- Sand Riding
Since sand riding is pretty different from the usual bumpy dirt riding tracks, your body position may need to take a slightly different shape. Your weight should take a slightly backward position so the front wheel can glide through the shifty terrain. Also remember to grip the bike with your legs as much as you can as this ensures you are stable despite the rough nature of the terrain while you also experience relief in your arms.
- Sand Riding Tires
Paddle tires are the best option for sand riding as they also provide the ideal traction you need while riding. However, the downside here is that paddle tires can only be used for sand riding.
- Snow Riding
While it would be fine to park your dirt bike at snow time, this terrain offers a whole new riding experience. Much like any other outdoor experience, preparation is the key to enjoying your snow riding adventure. Since different people react to the cold differently, you want to take accessories that will be just fine for you, while remembering that you’ll be sweating it out pretty soon – a pack to store your excess clothing when the heat comes in would not be a bad idea.
- Snow Riding Tires
The best snow riding tires are those that come along with permanently installed carbide tipped spikes. These tires will help you get a good grip of the terrain as though you were riding under the best possible conditions. If spike tires are above your budget, you could purchase metal screws with hex-head sheet so you can drive them into your bike tires.
- Look Out For Your Tires
Unlike bikes used during street riding adventures where worn out tires can easily be identified bith the wearing out of treads or bald spots, determining when you may need a tire change for your dirt bike is different. Dirt paths do not typically wear out your tires, so careful examination is required so you can decide when a replacement is needed.
- Balding
The wearing out of your lugs – commonly known as balding – is the first sign of deterioration. The lugs round off as you ride, preventing the presence of a hard wall for the bike to cut through the dirt. This reduces traction and causes the surface to feel slippery while riding.
- Ripping or Missing Lugs
Although you may still negotiate your way through a dirt path with round lugs, this is impossible when they come off completely. If your lugs are missing, it is time for a tire change.
- Deterioration of The Bead and Sidewall
The deterioration of the bead and sidewall of your tire does not quickly come to mind when thinking of a tire wear, but it is important to look out for it. With the constant pressure and flexing that the sidewall is subjected to, cracks can occur. If you have spotted any cracks or tears, changing the tire quickly would be ideal to save you some money on purchasing new set of rims.
- Aging or Discoloration
The rubber of the tire hardens with age. When flexing under pressure is difficult for a tire, you may soon find cracks in the sidewall. In order to ensure you are not stuck in the middle of nowhere, it would be ideal to change the tires when there is a color change or if it is over a year old.
- Tube Wear
Although most tubes are changed as a result of a flat, it would be ideal to exercise caution beforehand by looking out for any signs of distress on the tube. You can easily find wear in the seam and valve system and you may also notice weak spots around the tube.
- Mousse Wear
It can be difficult to identify when a mousse needs change. If you have noticed the mousse decomposing in the tire, it is the right time to replace it. Besides this, you alone can decide when your tire mousse needs a change. Applying some good amount of lubricant would be ideal to prolong the life of the mousse.
- Maintain The Tire For Longevity
Getting the right tire specific for your terrain is not the only key to success on a dirt path. You can also prolong its life by running the correct mousse density or tire pressure into the rubber. Understand the nature of your tire, and run the recommended pressure into it for the best performance.
- Lug Shaping
Although lug shaping may not necessarily prolong the life of your tire, by eliminating the dull edges of your tire, you may achieve the much needed extra traction for the adventure. If you must shape your lugs, ensure you do not square off so much so you do not lose your lugs or rupture your tire.
- Check The Sag and Spring Rate
The springs are crucial to your dirt bike experience as they hold up the bike in position. Hence, it would be proper to ensure you have appropriate spring rate. Since most dirt bikes perform best with sag of 95-115mm, the static sag when you are out of the bike should be around 25-45mm. if it is less than 25mm, you may need to stiffen the spring and it is above 45mm, you would need to make the spring softer.
- Check The Front Wheel
Check to ensure your front wheel is installed correctly as improper installation may cause the wearing out of the forks. You can install the wheel properly by first tightening the axle nut followed by the toque on the left axle pinch bolts. Ensure the right fork leg can easily slide through the axle before you tighten.
- Use a Torque Wrench For Installation
Since fork tubes are usually thin and can easily be distorted, ensure you do not exert so much pressure while tightening the triple clam bolts.
- Bleed The Air Out
Before you ride your dirt bike, bleed the air out of the forks while the bike is on its stand with the front wheel hanging off the ground. Doing this will help you avoid starting off with excess pressure on the bike.
- Maintain The Suspension
When you start riding more regularly, ensure the shock and fork oil are changed every 20 hours. In addition, parts such as the seals and bushings should be changed every 40 hours. Considering the path you will be riding, it is normal for oil to get contaminated along the way, causing the suspension to fade upon heat.
- Care For Your Dirt Bike
As much as winter riding makes for a great adventure for some, others prefer to wait until summertime. If this is the case, ensure you was the bike after use – as it will be a little dirty (at least) if you are doing a good job on the road. Washing it gives you a perfect opportunity to inspect the bike for any problems and also protect the relevant parts by coating with oil.
- Fill Your Gas Tank
This is important for steel or plastic tanks. While it prevents condensation buildup in a plastic tank, it also prevents rust in a steel tank. Add fuel stabilizer for treatment and run the engine for a few minutes to allow the fuel run through the entire system.
- Charge The Battery
Before parking up your dirt bike at wintertime, take the battery out, place it in a warm and dry place and connect it to a regulated battery charger. This will ensure your battery does not drain and the regulated charger will also prevent an overcharge.
- Store on a Bike Stand
If you have enough space, you may want to remove the tires and wheels and rest your dirt bike on a stand. This will not only prevent flat tires, but take off some pressure from your suspension.
- Lean Back and Speed Up in Deep Stuff
You are more stable when you apply speed while riding through off-road dirt tracks especially when negotiating deep terrains. Leaning backwards while speeding up will provide traction for the rear wheel, where there is pressure and it will also take off the pressure on the front wheel, allowing it to go through obstacles with relative ease.
- Focus on Where You are Headed
Be conscious about where you want your bike to be, not the big bump or cliff you want to avoid. Your body and of course, the bike will only follow as your focus leads. Practice this well enough until you no longer need deliberate effort to achieve this.
- Stand
Riding through hard surfaces could be especially demanding as a beginner, but you can. Standing up would be an ideal position in this case as it lowers the center of gravity with your body weight pressed on the foot pegs rather than the seat. While standing, nip your lower legs on the gas tank with your knees bent. This makes it possible for you to ride through without experiencing shock.
- Take a Turn With Your Weight Outside
If for example, you want to take a left turn, push the right foot peg down, while adjusting your weight towards the outside. This will ensure equal distribution of your weight over the entire mass of your bike.
- Move Forward When Negotiating Corners
While tackling bumps and deep sand, you would want to pull your weight a bit backwards, but this is completely different. In fact, your body weight should be tilting towards the front wheel as much as far as possible as this provides more traction – and more speed at the corners. Initiating a slide will also be easier when your weight is off the rear wheel.
- Stay Loose While Descending
Hurling yourself down a hill may be tricky for a beginner. You may want to hold on to everything you can, making you rigid in the process. Instead, you must stay loose. You can do this by focusing your weight on the inside hand and outside food. This will help you lower your center of gravity and maintain an inside line.
- Conquer The Steep Spots
Riding through dirt tracks involves speed and accuracy. So, unless it is important to climb the bump or steep spot, do not face every obstacle with all you have. Begin your ride at a steady pace, get the “feel” as you find your way through the gears, and maintain a consistent intensity. Going hard early on will eventually slow you down and tire you out as you progress.
- Allow a Crash
Try not to get yourself into a situation when crash is inevitable however If a crash seems inevitable, allow it. Trying to control a crash while flying from the top may cause fatal accident – especially as a beginner. You may get away with it a few times but it is not ideal to try and control your crash thinking you are still on the driver seat.
- Feed Predictably
You want to be in the best condition possible, so sticking to what your system is already used to will help you focus better on the task ahead. You can experiment on other days.
- Nutrition
What you consume matters a lot! If you must improve your fitness – and indeed, your performance – you must only consume healthy, energy rich foods that provide the fuel your body needs to be in top shape. As much as feeding predictably is just fine, what you consume matters more.
- Cut Back on The Junk
Consuming fizzy drinks only leave you feeling… fizzy. Unfortunately, the burst of energy it gives you only lasts for a short period before you start feeling drained physically and mentally.
- Vitamins
All vitamins are not the same though. So it would be great to do some homework and only supplement your diet with those that will give you the energy you need for your adventure.
- Protein Powder
Quality protein powder will be a great diet supplement to boost your health and strength, and reduce your recovery time between training and the actual riding.
- Spread Out Your Meal
Consuming about 5 to 6 smaller meals daily will help you burn fat, boost your energy, and improve metabolism.
- Protein-Rich Meals
This is a no-brainer. Consuming lean meals that are rich in protein such as fish and beef will give you strength and improve your health.
- Include Super Foods
Foods such as beans, alfalfa sprouts, oats, blueberries, salmon, tomatoes, flax seed, cranberries, turkey, chlorella, are super packed with lots of rich ingredients.
- Eliminate the Booze
You do not want your dirt bike riding experience to kick off on an awful note, so eliminate the booze. I don’t have to tell you motorsports and alcohol don’t go together. Remember to always stay safe and never drink and ride.
- Drink Water Responsibly
It is normal for you to get thirsty down the tracks. While grabbing your bottle is not wrong, you must be focused on the tracks especially as a beginner. On the dirt road track, anything is possible, so complete focus is important.
- How Much Should You Drink?
Before you begin your riding adventure, it would be ideal to stay well hydrated during the day. As a beginner, you would hardly be riding long distances that last above 60 minutes. As such, drinking while riding may not be necessary since your sessions may be short at first.
- Drinking May be Affected by Weather Conditions
The riding intensity and weather conditions are huge factors that can determine how much you drink. So, even if you take short distances for a start, this does not necessarily mean that you cannot drink.
- When Should You Drink?
Do not wait until you are thirsty. From the start of your ride, you could take two to three gulps every 10 to 15 minutes especially when you have begun embarking on longer rides. This readies you for the trip ahead. At the end of the ride, taking a recovery drink would be a great idea. No matter how much water you may have already taken, dehydration would likely set in especially on a hot day. The electrolytes in the drink would help you rehydrate yourself sufficiently.
- What do You Drink While Riding?
As a beginner still learning the ropes, your rides may still be under 60 minutes. If this your situation, plain water will be just fine but, as you start engaging in longer rides, plain water will no longer provide the energy needed to go through the tough tracks. Fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes would be the perfect replacement. The sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium content in electrolytes help to replenish nutrients lost in sweat.
- Can You Drink Too Much Water?
Of course you can. This is especially true if you have not been taking fluids with balanced electrolyte content. Your body may feel bloated over time, your performance and efficiency on the road will be affected, and in extreme cases, you may even suffer hyponatremia or even death.
- Take The Gradual Progression Path
Studies have shown that riders who engage in long distant training adventures may likely suffer cramps. While the underlying cause of this is not crystal clear, sudden increase in the level of your intensity – either riding longer or harder – can cause cramps. Instead, warm yourself into the adventure and gradually increase your intensity.
- Take Arm Warmers Off While Flying
As you go down the tracks, the temperature will start heating up, and you may not need the warmers anymore. More experienced dirt bike riders may take them off with their hands, but as a beginner, you can use your teeth to pull them off.
- Work on Your Mobility
Although dirt bike riding may be considered an exercise in its own right, the movement patterns here are very limited, exposing you to injuries. Having a great mobility routine will greatly reduce tightness and your risk of injury.
- Stretch
Traditionally, a good stretching routine helps to improve your flexibility. In order to get the best out of your dirt bike riding adventure, it would be ideal to engage in a good stretching routine just before and after riding as this will help to improve your performance.
- Swimming
Swimming is a great exercise for strength and cardio workout. Since it requires constant movement, it is sure to keep your heart pumping and your muscles functioning optimally.
- Running
As a cardio exercise, running is an ideal way to build up your core and legs. Although you can engage in this activity anywhere, dirt bike riders will greatly benefit from a trail run, surrounded by a familiar terrain.
- Avoid The Obstacles while Running
If you must run through a familiar dirt path terrain, you must look out for potential obstacles as this will help keep you fit for the ride when you are ready.
- Breath Efficiently
Is this surprising? Breathing is a basic human function – the reason we are alive. Shallow breathing causes reduced oxygen supply, leading to low concentration and energy levels. Try to fill up your lungs with good amounts of oxygen by practicing deeper breaths. This will leave you more relaxed and focused.
- Strength Training
Dirt bike riding demands lot of muscular energy to be at your best. As a beginner, you might easily think that the bike does the big work. This is not true. Taking parts in activities such as lifting weights, sit-ups, chin-ups, and push-ups will help you improve your muscular strength – and of course, you would be better able to handle the bike and negotiate your way through potential obstacles.
- Switch it Up
The goal of engaging in exercise is to ensure you remain in the best shape for your ride. As such, engaging in only a specific fitness program would only condition your body muscles, and this could leave you at risk of injury. Switching things up will keep all parts of your body and muscles in optimal condition.
- Manage Your Workouts
Workouts and exercises are great, but in order to ensure your body is in the best possible shape before you get on your bike, do not engage in workouts all day.
- Rest
As much as exercise is important, proper rest helps you relax your mind and be charged up for the dirt bike riding experience ahead.